Tuesday, April 3, 2012

monitor_smartcard_readers usage

Building a loop to monitor smart cards on windows turns out to be tricky. I have written a function to do this and allow code to be inserted in the necessary places.

  typename SetContext, 
  typename ClearContext,
  typename Wait,
  typename Report
unique_winerror monitor_smartcard_readers(
  SetContext && setContext,
  ClearContext && clearContext,
  Wait && wait,
  Report &&  report

By itself the data produced by this function isn't too interesting, but I have a project in mind that I hope will use it to advantage.

To use monitor_smartcard_readers you call the function passing in lambdas for the code to insert.

  • setContext when the function establishes a context it calls this lambda to allow the caller to store the context and use it later to call SCardCancel
  • clearContext when the function closes the context it calls this function to inform the caller that it is no longer valid.
  • wait when the function needs to wait for the service to become available or check to see if it should exit it calls this lambda. this lambda must return a bool, true for continue and false for exit.
  • report when the function has an update to the status it calls this lambda with a range of reader states.

A quick example should show how this all stitches together.

void monitor()

First need to get the win32 event handle that is set when the smart card service is running.

  HANDLE waitfor[1] = {SCardAccessStartedEvent()};
  ON_UNWIND_AUTO([] {SCardReleaseStartedEvent();});

  unique_winerror winerror;

  while (!winerror) {
    winerror = monitor_smartcard_readers(

when setContext is called, store the context in the local stack variable.

    [&](SCARDCONTEXT context) {
      context = context;

when clearContext is called, set the local stack variable to NULL

    [&]() {
      context = NULL;

when wait is called, wait for the smart card service to start. If additional threads were in play this might include other events to signal that monitor_smartcard_readers should exit.

    [&]() -> bool {
      if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 != WaitForMultipleObjects(
      ) {
        // monitor_smardcard_readers will 
        // return SCARD_E_CANCELLED
        return false;
      return true;

when report is called, print out the state changes.

      lib::rng::range<SCARD_READERSTATE*> readersrange
    ) {
      std::wcout << L"---status update---" << std::endl;
      for (auto & state : readersrange) {
        auto stateChanges = (
          state.dwCurrentState ^ state.dwEventState
        ) & std::numeric_limits<unsigned short>::max();
        std::wcout << L"reader: " << state.szReader 
        << L" changes: " << 
           std::hex << std::showbase << stateChanges
        << L" state: "
        << ((state.dwEventState == SCARD_STATE_UNAWARE) ? 
           L" SCARD_STATE_UNAWARE" : L"")
        << ((state.dwEventState & SCARD_STATE_PRESENT) ? 
           L" SCARD_STATE_PRESENT" : L"")
        << ((state.dwEventState & SCARD_STATE_ATRMATCH) ? 
           L" SCARD_STATE_ATRMATCH" : L"")
        << ((state.dwEventState & SCARD_STATE_CHANGED) ? 
           L" SCARD_STATE_CHANGED" : L"")
        << ((state.dwEventState & SCARD_STATE_EMPTY) ? 
           L" SCARD_STATE_EMPTY" : L"")
        << ((state.dwEventState & SCARD_STATE_EXCLUSIVE) ? 
           L" SCARD_STATE_EXCLUSIVE" : L"")
        << ((state.dwEventState & SCARD_STATE_IGNORE) ? 
           L" SCARD_STATE_IGNORE" : L"")
        << ((state.dwEventState & SCARD_STATE_INUSE) ? 
           L" SCARD_STATE_INUSE" : L"")
        << ((state.dwEventState & SCARD_STATE_MUTE) ? 
           L" SCARD_STATE_MUTE" : L"")
        << ((state.dwEventState & SCARD_STATE_UNAVAILABLE) ? 
        << ((state.dwEventState & SCARD_STATE_UNKNOWN) ? 
           L" SCARD_STATE_UNKNOWN" : L"")
        << ((state.dwEventState & SCARD_STATE_UNPOWERED) ? 
           L" SCARD_STATE_UNPOWERED" : L"")
        << std::endl; 
      std::wcout << L"--status update end--" << std::endl;

Next post will explore the implementation of monitor_smartcard_readers..

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